Second National Dialogue takes place in Dakar, Senegal during 15-16 February 2023
Story highlights
- Taking place in Dakar, Senegal, 15-16 February 2023
- Over 100 participants; including farmers, livestock herders, fishers, decision makers, scientists and NGO representatives
- Dialogue aims to bridge the gap between local, regional and national perspectives to achieve the SDGs in Senegalese drylands
In 2022, XPaths organized several dialogues across Senegal to build coalitions among key actors and to collect perspectives about how sustainable transformations can be achieved from local to national scale.
Now that coalitions are strengthened and a climate of trust has been created among participants, our next multi-actor dialogue aims to bridge the gap between local, regional and national perspectives to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in semi-arid regions of Senegal. The focus will be on agriculture and other food production systems such as fishing and livestock in the context of climate change.

The Senegalese National Dialogue will gather over 100 participants, and bring together livestock herders, farmers, fishers, decision makers, scientists, NGOs representatives, as well as other actors concerned with sustainable development, and interested in developing new solutions and strategies.
In contrast to previous dialogues, this event looks forward to identifying solutions for sustainable agriculture, fishing and livestock farming from a multi-scale approach. National Dialogue’s attendees will also discuss their applicability in our study sites Bakel, Niayes, and Ranéro. The co-design and prioritization of such strategies and actions is expected to better guide development programs and stimulate inclusive participatory process.

The National Dialogue format will enable vibrant conversations and ensure a maximum exposure to different perspectives, allowing for innovative ideas and new collaborations to emerge. The 2-day dialogue programme will also hold a couple of break-out events complementing the scientific agenda such as the screening of a short documentary created by the Senegal XPaths team.
The Senegalese National Dialogue 2023 is hosted by the University Cheikh Anta Diop, Senegal and funded by @FormasForsk.
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